Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Contemplative Group

Tonight we reiterated some important intents and purposes of the group. We reflected on the intentionality and discipline required to cultivate a contemplative stance towards life, and we discussed the importance of incorporating meditative practices into our everyday lives.

We focused on cultivating an intentional awareness towards all the moments of our lives, and we noted the difficulty in living this way. So much of our lives are lost to us in a blur of distractions and un-focused spirituality, and it is only through an intentional awareness that we can begin to recover a sense of wonderment towards life.

We discovered (again) that much of our lives are also a struggle between the unrealistic expectations we place on ourselves and learning to live with our limitations and boundaries. For, we often live as if we have no limitations, but part of becoming more aware is also becoming more aware of our own limitations, which serve to guide us in the process of healing and wholeness. We should not resist discovering our limitations. Rather, we should embrace them and learn to live with(in) them. It is important to temper our strong drives towards idealism with a certain pragmatism about living. Otherwise, frustration will follow us on our path.

Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome in this place. We hope you will join us when you can....

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